Silvan’s New Tommy Gun Spray Gun A Better Performer

Posted Thursday 12th October, 2017

A new style of a hand-held spray gun that has a better performance, including enhanced ergonomic characteristics that favour its use has just been released by Silvan Australia. Designated as the Silvan ...

Selecta AdBlue® Transfer Unit From Silvan With 200 Litre Tank Capacity

Posted Thursday 12th October, 2017

Increasingly Australian farmers, contractors, transport and resource businesses as users of diesel fuel are meeting the mandatory Australian Design Rules that reduce vehicle engine emissions from the use ...

Selecta LED Magnetic Beacon Light For Over-Dimensional Vehicle Compliance Or As An Emergency Warning

Posted Thursday 12th October, 2017

Moving large items of over-dimensional machinery like tractors, headers or excavation equipment on public roads imposes considerable safety obligations on their owners and operators. A highly visible ...

3G Mobile Motion Activated Security Camera Essential Against Theft, Property Losses Or Vandalism

Posted Thursday 14th September, 2017

Thefts, even vandalism, of rural, remote and urban properties are occurring at record levels and invariably results in the loss of items of significant value as well as creating disruption and great distress ...